Friday, April 13, 2007

Richard Reid is a Retard and a Patsy

When I'm at the airport, I feel a mixture of dread and contempt: the dumb-fuck TSA people confiscating toe-nail clippers and fruit juice; the near-constant reminders that every piece of luggage is a bomb unless determined otherwise; the stench of mirowaved cardboard. But worst of all are the blindered sheep slowly moving through the maze, dutifuly removing their 2-year-old's shoes, having their personal effects rifled through by morons looking for hair gel, and all the while thinking it's for their own good because Obama is still on the loose.

Though noone remembers, the reason everyone will have to remove their shoes at the airport for the duration of the "War of Terror" (forever) is because an obvious mental defective was groomed by the spooks to pull a well-timed bonehead maneuver on an airplane involving lighting a match and having shoes on his feet. His "handler" was on the plane with him, but you're not supposed to know about that or what it means.

Oh yeah, their just happened to be two "doctors" on the flight who happened to have syringes full of sedatives to immediately subdue this loser to keep him from talking. How is it that they were able to board the plane with needles loaded with incapacitating drugs when you and I have our sewing kits and water(!) confiscated?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mount Wilson Antenna Farm

Microwaves !

Monday, February 12, 2007

San Gabriels

  • Here's a scene about 15 miles from the LA river photo.

A River Runs Through It?

Unlovely shot of the river.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Rummy in various stages of peevishness.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Warm, Funny Dick

"They don't know the warm, funny Dick Cheney that I know." - Alan Simpson on the vice president's detractors.

Yo estoy tocando el guitarr-o

This photo has become understandably notorious, but I haven't heard anyone mention the fact that Bush is playing an open G chord on the 4th fret! Of course, if he were to strum the guitar with this fingering it would sound like hell. This means to me that he sorta knows how to play the guitar but is such a dumbshit he can't really pull it off. Just like he can only speak enough spanish to embarass himself.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Jack n' Al Sr.

I couldn't find a picture of Al Gore with Kennedy, but here's a shot of the President with Al Gore Sr. (on the right).

Willie n' Jack 1963

Bill Clinton meets President Kennedy.

JFK n' JFK back in the day

Here is John Kerry yachting with president Kennedy. How inspiring it must have been for a young go-getter such as he!
This guy rogered Morgan Fairchild?


Weekend before last I was camping in the high sierras. This last weekend I flew to Vegas and ensconced myself in the opulent Bally's Hotel and Casino. Every room comes furnished with an old coot and a "Lil' Rascal."


This is Sawtooth Peak in the high sierras. It's about 13,000 ft. Our sleeping bags were encrusted in hoary rime when we woke up in the morning. When we got back to the traihead, we were accosted by armed feds and given fines for being bad in a National Park. Lesson: if you want to bring a dog to ward off bears, it only costs $75. Spread out over several days and between two people it's downright affordable.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Old Subway Station

The old Belmont subway station, right near downtown L.A.

Urban Camouflage

This guy parks in various places around my neighborhood.

Lake Hollywood

Would you believe me if I told you this lake was in the middle of Los Angeles?