Richard Reid is a Retard and a Patsy

When I'm at the airport, I feel a mixture of dread and contempt: the dumb-fuck TSA people confiscating toe-nail clippers and fruit juice; the near-constant reminders that every piece of luggage is a bomb unless determined otherwise; the stench of mirowaved cardboard. But worst of all are the blindered sheep slowly moving through the maze, dutifuly removing their 2-year-old's shoes, having their personal effects rifled through by morons looking for hair gel, and all the while thinking it's for their own good because Obama is still on the loose.
Though noone remembers, the reason everyone will have to remove their shoes at the airport for the duration of the "War of Terror" (forever) is because an obvious mental defective was groomed by the spooks to pull a well-timed bonehead maneuver on an airplane involving lighting a match and having shoes on his feet. His "handler" was on the plane with him, but you're not supposed to know about that or what it means.
Oh yeah, their just happened to be two "doctors" on the flight who happened to have syringes full of sedatives to immediately subdue this loser to keep him from talking. How is it that they were able to board the plane with needles loaded with incapacitating drugs when you and I have our sewing kits and water(!) confiscated?