A Bold Prediction:
The Bush Administration will meet an ignominious end before the 2nd term is up.
Every two-term president since LBJ has endured a shit-storm towards the end. With LBJ it was Vietnam, a profoundly stupid, pointless and cruel war which made him decide to quit government.
With Nixon it was Watergate. We all know what happened to that sweaty, pill-popping paranoid.
With Reagan it was Iran Contra. This should have caused a wholescale purging of the federal government. But because the american attention span is about 30 minutes, and those in government responsible for punishing such crimes are the same scumbags that commit them, the traitorious criminals, including GHWB, got off with a slap on the wrist or less. Instead of serious jail time for selling weapons to Iran (as part of an arms for hostages deal) and wholesale cocaine smuggling (into the United States!), GHWB instead became the president. Then he pardons every one of the dirtbags who had (temporarily) taken the fall for him. His son will appoint every one of these assholes to high office a few years later. Noone will say a word about it in the media.
In Clinton's second term, despite all the despicable things he did (things which Republicans should have applauded him for), he was impeached for lying about some chubby floozy he was diddling.
Maybe the shrub will buck the trend. After all, operatives in the Bush Family Crime Syndicate seem to have learned their lessons well. Now, nobody is allowed to ask the president a question, ever. The Republicans have a death-grip on every branch of government. There may be noone in government willing to oppose this venal, murderous juggernaut.
As they often say, things have to get worse before they get better. One thing that is for certain is that things will get much, much worse over the next 4 years.
Every two-term president since LBJ has endured a shit-storm towards the end. With LBJ it was Vietnam, a profoundly stupid, pointless and cruel war which made him decide to quit government.
With Nixon it was Watergate. We all know what happened to that sweaty, pill-popping paranoid.
With Reagan it was Iran Contra. This should have caused a wholescale purging of the federal government. But because the american attention span is about 30 minutes, and those in government responsible for punishing such crimes are the same scumbags that commit them, the traitorious criminals, including GHWB, got off with a slap on the wrist or less. Instead of serious jail time for selling weapons to Iran (as part of an arms for hostages deal) and wholesale cocaine smuggling (into the United States!), GHWB instead became the president. Then he pardons every one of the dirtbags who had (temporarily) taken the fall for him. His son will appoint every one of these assholes to high office a few years later. Noone will say a word about it in the media.
In Clinton's second term, despite all the despicable things he did (things which Republicans should have applauded him for), he was impeached for lying about some chubby floozy he was diddling.
Maybe the shrub will buck the trend. After all, operatives in the Bush Family Crime Syndicate seem to have learned their lessons well. Now, nobody is allowed to ask the president a question, ever. The Republicans have a death-grip on every branch of government. There may be noone in government willing to oppose this venal, murderous juggernaut.
As they often say, things have to get worse before they get better. One thing that is for certain is that things will get much, much worse over the next 4 years.
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